YellowWheel Major Work 2024

Yellow Wheel's 2024 Major Work is an exploration into subjective versus objective perspective, inspired by the lens of growing up in the context of modern day Australia. Fluctuating between the absurd and the abstract, the nuanced and the literal, the surprisingly professional and the jarringly uncouth. The work invites the audience to address the boundaries of their own subjective perspective against others. A cast of 19 young dance artists navigate the spaces in between opinion, empathy and understanding, whilst attempting to make sense of the established rules, structures and chaos they were born into and the history that came before that.

The 2024 Major Work is an exploration in subjective versus objective perspective. Is it possible to differentiate between them, what influences them and how this is supposed to be navigated given the never-ending onslaught of capitalist, consumerist, opinionated and dictated information history has left further generations to deal with? Amidst an age of global natural and man made disaster’s becoming increasingly the norm, come try and focus on the show but inevitably end up thinking about your credit score whilst watching 19 emerging artists navigate this tumultuous landscape.

Kyall Shanks

Choreographed by Kyall Shanks in collaboration with the 2024 Yellow Wheel Company

Rehearsal Assistance by Jacqui Maida

Costumes by Andrew Treloar

Lighting Design by JB Knibbs

Images by Gregory Lorenzutti

Season supported by Mycelium Studios, WXYZ Studios/LGI, Chunky Move and Linda Herd


Gear + Tooth